Police and Fire Jiu Jitsu Tournament

Sign Up




Police & Fire Jiu Jitsu  Fundraising Tournament


September 14th 2024


Centennial High School

14388 N 79th Ave, Peoria, AZ 85381


$75 to registration for division

-       Registration payment code through Square Portal- Police and Fire Jiu Jitsu Tourney Registration - Peoria Police Officer’s Association Charities (square.site)

-       Absolute Division, free registration after registering in division

Competitors must be at their assigned mat at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time. Preliminary schedule & mat assignment will be released 3 days prior to tournament. Final schedule & mat assignments will be updated after weigh in. Match times are in real time and should be checked frequently on day of the event for any updates via Smoothcomp.

Absolute Division matches will be conducted after division matches are completes.

With registration there will be an event challenge coin provided. 


Money raised during tournament will be donated in support of MADD, Prevent Child Abuse Arizona & the 100 Club.

Ways to provide additional donations is- 

1)    By Check addressed to PPOA Charities with notation for Police & Fire Jiu Jitsu Tournament


2)    Online through Square Portal (https-//square.link/u/DM4SqkvN)

Important Dates-

Registration closes September 10th 2024 at 23-59 hours

Corrections can be completed by emailing [email protected]

-       During weigh in if your over weight you will be pushed up to the next bracket

Mandatory Weigh In-

Day of weigh ins start at 0800 hours, everyone must weigh in even if your in highest weight class with no weight maximum  

1 lb weight allowance. Anyone above this will be bumped up to next division

Who Can Compete-

Police & Fire Jiu Jitsu fundraising tournament is open to all active or reserve law enforcement officers, active fire fighters or EMS personnel. You will need to provide your agency upon registration.

If brackets need to be adjusted they will be to allow for competitors to get the most matches within skill levels.

Refund Policy-

No refunds, mission is to raise money to support MADD, Prevent Child Abuse Arizona and the 100 Club so they can continue assisting victims to crimes and first responders.


1)    No Gi only

   a.     Rash guard for all competitors

   b.     Shorts over spats

   c.     Refer to ADCC Rules for additional information

2)    ADCC Rules & Legal Techniques- https-//www.adcc-official.com/opens/rules.html

3)    Double Elimination

   a.     Compete for 3rd place (no double bronze)

4)    Absolute Division divided by rank & gender

   a.     Depending on participation will adjust

Match Lengths-

-       White Belt- 5 minutes

-       Blue & Purple Belt- 6 minutes

-       Brown & Black Belt- 8 minutes  

** 1st half of match will be no points & 2nd half of match will have points **


1 free coach pass for first student from the academy to register.

1 free additional coach pass per every 5 students registered from the same academy.


1-4 students = 1 coach pass

5-9 students = 2 coach passes

10- 14 students = 3 coach passes  


Spectator tickets- $10

-       Children 5 years old age and younger will be free

Can be purchased on day of event

Not Allowed-

Close outs- Team mates, friends etc not having a real match if they meet in a bracket

Sandbagging- Signing up for a lower skill level

-       Will be disqualified

Media Requests-

Email Peoria PD PIO- Kristopher Babros  at [email protected]  

Instagram- @policeandfirejiujitsu

Work Tournament-

Email David Burke at [email protected]